Temperature Conversion
The most common units used for temperature is Degree Celsius [oC], Kelvin [K] and Fahrenheit [oF]. Degree Celsius is by far the most commonly used unit for temperature. Kelvin is the base unit in accordance with the International System of Units (SI) and is normally the unit used in science. Fahrenheit [oF] is mainly used in North America.
Conversion between different units
From Celsius | From Kelvin | From Fahrenheit | |
To Celsius | 1 | [C] = [K] - 273.15 | [C] = ([F] - 32)*5/9 |
To Kelvin | [K] = [C] + 273.15 | 1 | [K] = ([F] + 459.67)*5/9 |
To Fahrenheit | [F] = [C]*9/5+32 | [F] = [K]*9/5-459.67 | 1 |